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UCF #104200234

Reward Doubled 20 Years After Murders Of Windsor Dee Dee And Son

Debilleanne Williamson and her son

Debilleanne (Dee Dee) Williamson

Windsor, Ontario — The Windsor Police Service and Windsor Police Services Board have doubled the reward to $40,000 for information leading to an arrest in the murders of Debilleanne (Dee Dee) Williamson and her son Brandon.

The bodies of Dee Dee Williamson and her son, Xavier Brandon Rucker, were found on February 27, 2003. Twenty years later, the investigation continues.

Williamson's sister was the first to come upon the gruesome scene, locating Williamson's severely beaten body in the basement of the residence.

Xavier's body was in the bathroom on the main floor. For investigation reasons, police have never disclosed the child’s cause of death.

"There are people out there who know who is responsible for this double murder or who have information that can help us solve this crime," said Daniel Potvin, Superintendent in charge of investigations.

"We hope the additional reward money will provide the incentive these people need to come forward and tell what they know. Even a small piece of information that someone thinks is trivial be the missing evidence that allows our investigations to connect the dots and finally solve this mystery."

On the 20th anniversary of these horrific homicides, members of the Williamson family joined investigators to announce that a $40,000 reward is now being offered for information that leads to an arrest in the case — twice the amount that was previously announced, and the highest amount for any current Windsor police investigation.

"Twenty years is a very long time of not knowing and unanswered questions," said Dee Dee's niece Nike Williamson.

She said while she was very young when the crime happened, it is something that is on her mind daily.

Const. Steve Owen, lead investigator on the case said there have been numerous persons of interested who have been ruled out through DNA evidence.

"Through the years like I said, there's been numerous persons of interest some were easily rolled out. Some have not been some are still persons of interest and some are strong persons of interest where there may be more than one thing that points to that person," he said. "But at this point, we're not prepared to say it's this one individual."

Const. Owen said Dee Dee had friends on both sides of the border, so there are persons of interest in both Detroit and Windsor. He said the focus is evenly split between the two cities with Detroit police cooperating.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Major Crimes Unit at 519-255-6700, ext. 4830. They can also contact Crime Stoppers anonymously at 519-258-8477 (TIPS).

Rayman Jacquot

Rayman Jacquot

See more Case Files contributed by Rayman Jacquot.

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